Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Coffee or Tea?

It's a simple question, but one which may have a huge impact on your overall energy level throughout the day and potentially your long-term health. A study has shown that while drinking coffee in the morning may give you a quick energy fix in the long run it will leave you tired and groggy. The study suggests that drinking tea, which has less caffeine, throughout the day provides energy for the entire day as opposed to a quick boost.

As far as long-term health benefits? Tea has more than coffee without negative impacts on health. (this has been shown mostly in white and green teas)

more information:



[disclosure: I'm a tea drinker]

Monday, July 14, 2008


The average life expectancy in the United States is approximately 79 years. This blog is about making the most of them.

BOOK REVIEW: The Last Lecture

The Last Lecture is a book about and by Carnegie Melon professor Randy Pausch as he reflects on his life in a final lecture. The book is co-authored by Jeffrey Zaslow of the Wall Street Journal whose article inspired the novel. Randy has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and with only months to live has decided to leave a legacy for his three children, too young to fully grasp the life lessons he gives in the lecture (which was filmed so that they can see it when they are older.) The book gives excellent incite into how Randy has lived and learned from the ups and downs of his life and is inspiring to those who read it. It is divided up into short stories starting with his childhood and showing how the dreams he had shaped his life for the better. Some primary themes are overcoming obstacles and living your dreams as well as accepting criticism and learning from it. This book is truly inspiring and I highly reccomend it, I couldn't put it down. The lessons you learn from Randy help you see what really matters in life.

video of the lecture